Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! I cannot believe how fast break went by – wow! I hope you and your child were able to relax and enjoy your time at home! Tomorrow, I hope the kids are ready to GO! We have a busy few months ahead of us with lots of learning, discovery, and of course, fun new challenges! Just a few items I wanted to include…

1. Please check with your child regarding their supplies. Over the last few months, I have provided pencils, notebooks and folders but please ask them what they may need. (We do have our community paper supply but the students do need notebooks for Writing.) I know most students do need new dry erase markers. We use our dry erase markers on a daily basis and they are VERY beneficial for their learning and growing. Please make sure they have at least two dry erase markers at school.
2. Please make sure to check your child’s yellow Friday Folder for any notes and all completed work. These Friday Folders are to be signed and returned every Monday.
3. We will continue to use our Assignment Books throughout the remainder of the year. Please make sure to check your child’s book and sign it each night. These books are checked daily and the students know that it is part of their responsibility to have these signed and filled out.
4. We will continue to do CROP QV sheets each week. The sheets track daily reading Friday – Thursday. New weekly sheets are distributed each Friday and the prior week’s is collected each Friday.

- Each night your child is expected to read for 20 minutes and record connections, reactions, opinions, predictions, questions and visualizations from what they read. For each section, there must be one complete sentence along with a page number that each response came from. In addition, students must choose one thing they read for the week that was interesting and describe what it was in a complete sentence.

- Every Friday, the chart must be turned in with a parent signature and fully completed.

5. Do not forget every Thursday is our Spelling Test. Spelling Words and Contract Activities can be found on this blog.
6. We also have our weekly Reading Test every Wednesday. The students are able to use their books on this test. We review the story and vocab extensively Monday and Tuesday during class. Every Tuesday night, the students are required to complete the story questions as well as reread the story at home.

I know I am looking forward to these next few months with your child. I truly have enjoyed working with them this year and look forward to all of our new discoveries we make throughout the remaineder of the year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thank You!
Mrs. Vogel
317.852.1050 x1222

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